Sorry for the delay…

To all of our loyal followers, we apologize.  Yes, it’s been a while since we’ve posted anything “news worthy.”  We are currently in the thick of things standing up a new cluster.

Here is are a couple of minor tidbits to help ease the withdraw:

1) Hortonworks finally released a sandbox VM.  It’s not great, but it is a start.

2) Ambari still has bugs.  It’s picky, finicky and downright painful in some cases.  It’s a good start, let’s hope it gets better.  Personally, I’m confused.  We expected it to be written mostly in Java, but I’m seeing a lot of Python code involved.  It still can’t “walk up to” a cluster and manage it and it still uses puppet.  Much of what I’ve learned makes me sad.

More details later.

Grease Monkey ~~ GM

About Grease Monkey

Computer nerd since the 80's. Data nerd since the 90's. Generic nerd for a lifetime.
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